Climate Investment and Project FRAME partners publish paper to help investors measure planned greenhouse gas impact

18 March 2022

Climate Investment

project-frame-paper project-frame-paper

OGCI Climate Investment (OGCI CI), a specialist decarbonization investor, and its partners in Project FRAME have released a paper that provides fellow investors with a methodology for measuring the planned impact of nascent decarbonization technologies.

The paper, “An Introduction to Assessing Planned Greenhouse Gas Impact”, is the second in a series exploring how investors can better assess the future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impact of their climate-related investments.

Defining planned impact as “the change in future GHG emissions that a specific business could realistically deliver, compared to a status quo and relating to its activities”, the paper shares a seven-stage methodology. It takes potential investors through a process from developing a theory of change on how emissions reductions could occur because of an innovation to estimating those reductions in measurable terms and tracking results as they unfold.

FRAME is a collaboration of investors in climate solutions who are working together to build frameworks and tools to assess the impact that today’s climate investment will have on global GHG emissions in the future. The partners in the project plan to produce further materials, including on other forms of impact, such as potential impact. They also plan to discuss more complex concepts, such as classifying impact, choosing baselines, and attribution. FRAME will be regularly updating existing materials in response to emerging ideas.